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Located in a desert surrounded by stone peaks, Kaimet is known for its skilled warriors. Because of the always-open giant demon portal on the far side of the desert, the warriors of Kaimet consider it their sacred duty to fight the powerful demons that spawn from it so that they don't run amok elsewhere.

The kingdom domesticated the wyverns native to the area long before the Great Dragon War, and have been breeding them, as well as riding them into battle, ever since. Relations with other kingdoms tend to be good because everyone knows that were it not for Kaimet's warriors, the persistent demon problem plaguing the entire continent would be considerably worse than it is.


As a warrior kingdom, one's status is often based on prowess in combat. While strength and skill are highly valued, hard work and determination are valued more so. The warrior who worked hard to get where they are is generally more respected than the one who got through on talent alone.

Nobility is also determined by combat ability, with nobles being the ones strong enough to fight the most powerful demons that spawn from the giant demon portal.

The one on the throne is considered the best among them, as rule is decided by combat. The current queen, while getting up in years, has been challenged for the throne many times and no one has been able to defeat her.


The Kaimetian people live in harmony with domesticated wyverns and have for thousands of years. Cities are built with wyverns in mind, with wide streets, high ceilings, and large door frames.

Wyvern riders choose their mounts when the wyverns are hatchlings and raise them by hand to ensure a close bond between them. There are about a dozen breeds of wyvern, all of which are capable of understanding speech to some extent, though most have the vocabulary understanding of a toddler.

Wyverns tend to be protective of their riders, though the extent of this varies by individual. Though not all choose to have a wyvern, wyverns are considered by nearly all to be valued friends and companions.

banner of Kaimet
The banner of Kaimet
image of a wyvern
A wyvern mount